

Only two percent of inventors ever do anything with their ideas. This is mostly due to the legitimate fear of having their idea stolen.

Do not wait any longer!

This website will allow you to download the documents, which allows you to fill out and obtain notarization in order to prove, establish and document your invention idea. The sooner that you start this process, the sooner you will have verification of your invention idea and you can get started on it!

We've used our own experience and have done the research for you!

We have put together this information as a way to help you start your patent process while protecting yourself and your inventions. We offer links to useful resources as well as a few legal documents for you to download.

Before you do anything else!

If you are not already doing so, it is important that you keep a detailed journal and write down every thought of anything and everything that you do related to your idea. including improvements, drawings, simple sketches or rough drafts - these inclusions can make a difference. Be sure that your journal includes dates. The purpose of the journal is to verify that it is YOUR idea and when you began working on it.

You will also need to write in your journal before and after you meet with anyone (including a lawyer), before you start any part of your prototype and/or your patent or do anything else related to your invention.


We have designed a Disclosure Document that requires a notary signature so that you can legally establish a definite "Date of Conception" to assist in protecting your ideas. We recommend that you print up several of the disclosure documents and have different notaries sign each copy. It requires a bit more work on your part, but no one will be able to dispute your "Date of Conception".

About the Disclosure Documents on this site. When you click to download any of the documents, a survey will pop up and you will be asked to take a moment to fill out a 30 second survey at no cost to you. Some are fun and some even offer additional prizes. If you do not wish to take a survey, we will accept a payment of $1.50 through PayPal for the purpose of keeping this site going.

Download disclosure documents here or on the left:
We have several types of Disclosure Document on this site, a Single Party Disclosure Document and Two Party Disclosure Document with Notary signatures required for each. We also have Company Non-Disclosure Document for when you begin talking to companies about developing a prototype for your invention. Any company that you share your ideas with should sign and date a Company Non-Disclosure document.

The Disclosure Documents on this site are based on the standard documents originally provided by the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). We offer both a Single Party and Two Party Disclosure Document with notary signatures required for each. These are for use by a single inventor, and a two-person invention respectively. We also offer a Company Disclosure document that you would use when meeting with a company to build your prototype. For the Company Disclosure document it is expected that the company will be the signatory on the document, and they should sign this document before you share any information with them. Print and have the company sign and date two copies of this document - one for the company and one for your records.